Define the order in which incident tickets should be dealt with.


Each incident or ticket may affect the organization differently, that is why they are normally addressed by priority.
However, setting the priority manually may cause this classification to be unreliable. A good solution to help us choose the right priority is to do it based on the impact and urgency of the incident. For this we could use this formula:

P = I x U

Where the Impact (I) would be the importance of the reported incident based on the number of affected users and Urgency (U) the speed the business needs a solution.

An easy way to apply this formula in ServiceTonic are automations, which create a prioritization matrix as follows:

Automation rules


Benefits of ticket priority

Automatizing priority will help us to better classify the incidents and to be able to address more quickly those that really affect the business.

How to do it with ServiceTonic ?

ServiceTonic automations help you create prioritization rules to create the same impact and urgency matrix.

This automation is defined in Administration / Service Desk / Field management -> Automations

We can also prioritize tickets by other parameters that are important for your company, find more about it in this article: The best way to order support tickets.