
Geolocation of tickets, assets, agents and contacts

Geolocalización help desk software

Help Desk software with Google Maps geolocation

Geolocation of contacts, CI’s, tickets and field agents

Geolocated elements in Google Maps

Locate your clients, assets, tickets, and field agents on a cartographic basis, which will allow you to quickly know which tickets associated with your clients or CIs are resolved or pending to be managed by your agents.

Integration with Google Maps

Cartographic base to geolocate elements

The cartographic positioning of these elements will allow you to assign an available field agent to a ticket opened by a client also located on the map.

This will allow you to improve the service you provide to your customers.


Geolocate contacts or clients on Google Maps

CI’s or assets

Locate your assets and their incidents on a map and find the best routes to get to them

Tickets and agents

Track the status of tickets and agents: whether the maintenance tasks corresponding to that ticket are being performed, are already finished, or are still pending./p>

Geolocation with Google Maps and ServiceTonic

Geolocate tickets, agents, and CIs on Google Maps

Geolocation of contacts or clients

  • Position your contacts or clients on Google Maps integrated in ServiceTonic as a saved search
  • Filter a single contact or customer and see the information linked to it
  • Directly access the element’s location on Google Maps
Geolocation contacts
CI Geolocation

Geolocation of CI’s or assets

Locate your assets or your clients’ assets in Google Maps integrated with ServiceTonic, a very useful feature for companies that offer maintenance services.

Geolocation of CI’s or assets

Locate your assets or your clients’ assets in Google Maps integrated with ServiceTonic, a very useful feature for companies that offer maintenance services.

Geolocalización de CI

Geolocation of tickets and agents

See tickets in the map with a time planning, and distinguish, based on color, if it is already managed, being worked on, or still pending management by an agent.

With the geolocation of agents and knowledge of their status, assign a ticket from a contact to the closest available agent.

Geolocation tickets agents

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