Collaborative Tool

ForumTonic, the tool for communication between team members

Servicetonic Dashboard

Collaborative tool to host a forum space for debate

ForumTonic | Cooperation between teams | Discussion tool

Cooperation between team members

ForumTonic is a collaborative tool that aims to provide an online workplace where team members can share information, debate, make proposals, clarify doubts, and notify the rest of their colleagues of any relevant news of interest.

To access the workspaces it is necessary that both agents and users subscribe to it.

Servicetonic Dashboard

Our collaborative tool’s goal

ForumTonic’s collaborative tool objective is to facilitate the communication between team members through an online workspace.

A forum where all subscribed users to that workspace can share knowledge, present ideas, and notify all their colleagues of the most relevant bits of information.

Team collaboration

Agile communication between agents of a team. A place to share information, knowledge and documents.

User community

A space or forum where a group of users with a common interest share information and communicate (whether they be agents or clients).


One-way communication channel to notify any information to users subscribed to the workspace.

Role-based access control

The role of the agents will determine their available actions within their subscribed channels.


Workspaces linked to one or more services.

Thanks to ForumTonic

Find out how to facilitate communication and knowledge sharing


Workspaces where users subscribe to access channel and topic content.

  • Share documents in the forum: PDF, JPG, PNG, XLS…
  • Knowledge repository: define channels and topics to consult, for example, how to solve a recurrent problem, steps to setup certain configurations…
  • Debate space: online debate spaces where all subscribed members can discuss proposals or contribute new ideas.
  • Direct communication between two users: private and immediate communication between two team members.
  • Notifications: create channels from which unilaterally communicate updates, news, events…
Herramienta colaborativa ForumTonic
Canales de forumtonic


Open channels:
Channels for the members subscribed to a workspace or for those agents/users who comply with the filters defined by the manager.

Private channels:
Channels where participants are added individually, regardless of the role or team they belong to, if they are subscribed to the workspace.


Open channels:
Channels for the members subscribed to a workspace or for those agents/users who comply with the filters defined by the manager.

Private channels:
Channels where participants are added individually, regardless of the role or team they belong to, if they are subscribed to the workspace.

Canales ForumTonic


Space where agents and users can interact between them. In the topics the workspace members can:

  • Upload and share files: PDF, XLS, CSV, JPG
  • Create debate topics: with topics you can organize debates between team members.
  • Notifications: through the channel configuration you can create one-way communication topics to share relevant information.
Creación de temas con la herramienta colaborativa
mensajes directos con forumtonic o la herramienta colaborativa

Direct messages

Instantaneous communication is essential for a company’s productivity. With direct messages, two users can communicate immediately, avoiding slower channels like e-mail.

Direct messages

Instantaneous communication is essential for a company’s productivity. With direct messages, two users can communicate immediately, avoiding slower channels like e-mail.

mensajes directos con la herramienta colaborativa

Stay informed

Set notifications in the topics so that no communication is missed.

Thanks to push notifications, there is no need to be in the topic of discussion to know which are the latest news shared by the other members of the workspace. The app will notify you immediately.

Notifications that will be received anywhere the user is, whether on desktop or mobile where ServiceTonic is configured.

Foro de debate

Discussion forum

  • Spaces to contribute ideas: enable your team members to share proposals and ideas to improve the services offered by the company.
  • Open discussion of issues: collaboration between team members is a cornerstone of solving client issues. Discussions provide ideas for solving all kinds of problems.
  • Solution repository: the forum can also be used as a space where you can store the answers to the most common problems of both your clients and your agents.

Discussion forum

  • Spaces to contribute ideas: enable your team members to share proposals and ideas to improve the services offered by the company.
  • Open discussion of issues: collaboration between team members is a cornerstone of solving client issues. Discussions provide ideas for solving all kinds of problems.
  • Solution repository: the forum can also be used as a space where you can store the answers to the most common problems of both your clients and your agents.
Espacio de trabajo para debates

Start using the collaborative tool now

Discover how Servicetonic® provides you with a space of debate for the members of a team, independently of their physical location.