ServiceTonic update list
History of improvements and new features available
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Virtual assistants
- Copilot with ticket summaries, improved responses, and translation of history and responses
- Improved attachment visualization in history
- Link contact to ticket via STProcess
- Improved calendar visualization for daily and weekly views
- XLSX format in reports
- Online agent visibility in ticket assignment
- Translation of the OIDC button (e.g., connection with Azure AD)
- SQL report generation to Excel (XLSX)
New features
- New Design
- Scroll to Top
- Quick Ticket Editing
- Customizable Menu in Agent Preferences
- Dynamic Scrolling
- Fixed Header in Views
New features
- Multiple values are allowed in the organizational view field
- New right on role management to enable/disable contact update in ticket editing
- Improved preventive maintenance generation
- Improved agent assignment change notification
New features
- Improved hashing of KB topics to increase security
- Optional Whatsapp optIn at creation
- Preference fields are now available to be included in views and reports
- Check-in and check-out page with QR code
New features
- Allow responding to tickets via WhatsApp even if they were not generated through WhatsApp.
- Optimization of usability in the side menu.
- Change of icons in the side menu.
- Text optimization for mobile devices.
- Improvements in email templates.
New features
- Redesign of the ticket.
- Integration with WhatsApp.
- Improvements in Chat / Chatbot.
- Web Service for querying (REST API).
- Table-type fields in Service Catalogs.
- Others: Control in reports | Management of new user passwords.
New features
- Traditional Chinese language has been added.
- Kanban views in ServiceTonic.
- Resolution of minor incidents.
- REST API for ticket queries.
New features
- View dialogue from ticket and issue editing.
- Improvements in the chatbot.
- View attachments in ServiceTonic templates for DoneTonic.
- Improvements in password restoration.
- Integration with WhatsApp.
New features
- Secure Reports.
- Validate fields in the BOT.
- Reorganize catalog request.
- BOT: Apply access criteria to KB libraries.
- Create CC_Notification field.
- Identification of CIs behind a switch.
- Indicate printer type as CI: local or network.
- Change printer scanning status.
New features
- Configure fuzzy search in searches for ticket content, issues, CMDB, etc.
New features
- Improvements in the web forms.
- Review and correction of all application elements.
- Update of slaves and standalone via https in NetworkTonic.
- Microsoft 365 authentication.
- Show indication of scanning or not scanning.
- Added check to indicate notification to CC.
- Allow ForumTonic only for agents.
New features
- CC notifications field.
- Log session end.
- Chinese translation.
- Table type fields.
- Optimized search by content.
- Azure AD contact lists.
- ST bot definition.
New features
- Set the variables list in predefined descriptions.
New features
Possibility to create star surveys according to the user role
Access, through a link in the user portal, to a ticket
- Microsoft email integration via Graph API
Index ASSET, CI, problems and tickets
New features
Option for functional cookies to be optional
Improve the functionality of “I forgot my password”
Add option to not be able to automatically create tickets from an email
Index ASSET, CI, problems and tickets
New features
- Encrypt usernames and passwords
- Include field integrators in contact editing
- Czech translation
- Report clicks on FAQs visible
- Add exporter to ResultSet ingredients
- Database scanner
- Scan local printers
- Create Sensor indicating Windows updates
- Show the reason why a zip from a slave could not be imported into the master
- In Linux diagnostics, report on available commands
- Gather remote user login history
- Get vmnix OS information (vmware)
- Non-ASCII character support
- Creation of reports to track the number of clicks on the FAQs.
- Bot improvements.
- Possibility of adding multiple emails in the ticket’s CC, changing its icon whenever these emails are associated.
New features
- ServiceTonic translation into Swedish
- Implementation of searches in ServiceTonic’ s collaborative tool.
- Ability to indicate whether actions are public or private in the web services
New features
- Keep the CC of the ticket
- Make the files to always be taken from the path defined in files.path
- Migrate web services soap to REST
- Implement 2FA
- Compose private channel names automatically
- Optimized push notifications
New features
- Chatbot -> (Access to ServiceTonic’s Knowledge Database)
- ForumTonic -> (Access to ServiceTonic’s Knowledge Database)
- Delegated authentication
- Equipment monitoring -> (Access to ServiceTonic’s Knowledge Database)
- Possibility to save the action without leaving the ticket
- Ability to assign a filter to text fields: field masks
- Sending of attachments from the business rules
New features
- Correction of errors
New features
- The mathematical functions of Sum, Maximum, Minimum and Average have been added in the elements of type Total and subtypes Counter and Percentage.
- New translations for ticket printing templates
- New chat interface
- Integration of chat with bots
- An incremental updater has been implemented
New features
- Configure URLs for QR codes -> (Access to ServiceTonic’s Knowledge Database)
- Save geolocation on time control sign-in and sign-out
- New text editor with new features
- Search in ServiceTonic’s menu options for agents. A top bar appears on the side menu that allows you to search for the tool’s features
- Api Rest
New features
- New features on the dashboard
- New team structure to give visibility to tickets according to a hierarchy
- Setting up custom views in searches
- New functionality in the KB ingredient in the user portal
- Obsolete Relationship Removal – If a relationship between a CI and a software has been removed, remove the relationship from NetworkTonic and transfer it to ServiceTonic. The waiting time for this elimination is configurable by the user.
- Elimination of “Asset type” and “Asset data” pages
- Transfer of the NetworkTonic slave’s name to ServiceTonic
- Optimization when selecting the visibility of the “Teams” from Calendar, Control Panel, All tickets and Problems, opening a new box in which the teams associated to that agent are displayed.
- Customizable configuration of the icons in mobility by service
- Optimization of queries: some queries have been optimized, thus reducing application response times
- Notifications when an email integration fails: if the administrator has configured the mail options in Administration / System / Mail Administration and has configured a notification mail in Administration / System / System Administration, every time there is an incident with an email’s integration, a notification will arrive to that email.
- Local Discovery creates a trace of your activity: from this version on, there is a record of all the activity generated when scanning the assets.
- New icons showing asset scan status: Small marks have been added to the icons that indicate if the asset is being scanned, has been scanned, or if there has been a problem
New features
- Fill in, automatically, the action’s fields according to the type of action
- Improved FAQ’s intelligent search
- Export of tickets associated with maintenance contracts
- Networktonic: CI Preview
- Networktonic: Changing text for icons
- Resolution of minor incidents.
New features
- Maps implementation
- Updating agent availability by registering his/her presence
- Role-based access has been added to the time control functionality
- New graphics
- Optimization of the popup definition page
- Networktonic: improvements in exportability management
- Networktonic: New Scanned CI Alert
- Resolution of minor incidents.
- Change the color of the ticket header according to its priority
- Improvements in the Rest API
- Optimizing the selection of the contact when there is only one, allows the fastest loading of this
- Registration of QR codes
- Smart search in the FAQ
- QR code printing
- Punch-in functionality
- Optimize incident activation in CMMS
- Expand CMMS configuration options
- Resolution of minor incidents.
- Change of password in a Slave (Network Discovery Tool)
- Push Alerts
- Encrypt the slaves information (Network Discovery Tool)
- Unauthorized software alerts
- QR code licensing
- Configure by Role the access to the search by content
- Web service contact consultation
- Resolution of minor incidents.
New features
- QRTonic module implementation
- Variables in rapid response
- Resolution of minor incidents.
- Visibility of performances by role
- New Language – Polish
- Times by State
- Resolution of minor incidents.
- Fully Responsive Interface
- Image Management in Tickets
- Agents signature
- Predefined answers by role
- Multiple message type ingredients
- Quick survey with star rating
- NetworkTonic – Multiple improvements
- Resolution of minor incidents.
- New ‘Request More Information’ option in approval
- Complete elimination of tickets/problems/CI’s/Actives.
- Fixed error in CMMS execution frequency.
- Improved auto-refresh of the dashboard to avoid losing session.
- Resolution of minor incidents.
- Password Policy
- Resolution of minor incidents.
- Global Dashboard
- Solution to mobility errors.
- Correction in the reading of mails with IMAP configuration.
- Resolution of minor incidents.
New features
- AntiSpam filter improvements
- New default CI types: Switch, Router, VoIP.
- Improvements in Service Templates.
- Fixed error in Validators with numeric fields.
- Fixed error with .msg attachments.
- Resolution of minor incidents.
- New variables for HTML templates [KB#1125]
- Hide password change in preferences. [KB#1058]
- Add topic path in KB searches. [KB#1059]
- Improvement in the visualization of contracts from the portal. [KB#1544]
- Improved automatic ticket import
- Improved generation of scheduled reports.
- Fixed error in the LDAP configuration in agents.
- Solved error in the creation of ranges in CMMS.
- Solved problem with the closing of tickets with assigned flows.
- Solved problem in the resolution of minor incidences.
- Call Center page redesign. [KB#1231]
- Assignment of ownership from StProcess. [KB#1106]
- Solved problem in the configuration of LDAP contact lists.
- Fixed error with the User Portal slogan.
- Solved error in notification to team with Round-Robin.
- Solved problem with survey logos.
- Improved the display of services in the User Portal Catalog.
- Resolution of minor incidents.
New features
- Ticket links with sub-tasks. [KB#1231]
- New system field: Affected users. Shows users subscribed/linked to a global ticket. [KB#1106]
- stProcess updateTicket updated. Now it allows to select Team/Assigned. [KB#1231]
- Send mail notifications without attachments. [KB#1125]
- Possibility of indicating permitted extensions in attachments. [KB#1198]
- Fixed problem with user signatures in PDF files.
- Fixed error with negative values in numeric fields.
- Solved error in modification of hours in contracts.
- Solved problem with survey logos.
- Improved display of panel names in administration.
- Improved display of CIs in mobility.
- Resolution of minor incidents.
Nuevas funcionalidades
- Execution of integrators (external database) using StProcess. [KB#1231]
- Public performances by default in mobility.
- Possibility to charge negative time in ticket performances. [KB#1079]
- Ability to remove SCI’s. [KB#1152]
- Integrators against external Azure SQL databases. [KB#1122]
- Improvements in the creation of tickets from the calendar.
- Internal improvements in the definition of SLA’s.
- Solved Network Discovery’s access bug.
- Changes in the definition of custom reports styles.
- Resolution of minor incidents.
New features
- Survey pages with styles. [KB#1157]
- SQL reports with custom header and styles. [KB#1295]
- Integration with telephe (CTI). [KB#1371]
- CMDB – Added new PC type field.
- Improvements in the definition of SCI’s.
- Avoiding mail reading blockages.
- Change of styles in Chat.
- obility – Improvements in signatures and actions.
- Resolution of minor incidents.
- Automatic execution of integrators in User Portal [KB#1122]
- Improvement in reading emails by service.
- CC search in tickets and problems [KB#1055]
- Flow improvements: Allow user responses and adding of actions at the end of the flow.
- obility actions in the same data tab.
- Do not show software in CMDB graphic. [KB#1148]
- Changes in behavior/appearance of the chat widget.
- Character filtering in the creation of ticket performances.
- Improvement in email sending with Exchange.
- Field integrators in Service Catalog.
- Approvals in tickets with automatic flows.
- Configuration of personalized fields in Mobility.
- Resolution of minor incidents.
New features
- ServiceTonic Network Discovery Tool summary tab enhancements
- Added export of CI software to STNDT.
- Validators in the Service Catalog fields.
- Added functionality to duplicate flows.
- Webservices: transfer comments and actions.
- New type of CI: Software.
- Improved management of parameters in reports.
- Improvement in ticket importation.
- Correction in mobility management.
- Improvement in ServiceTonic – Network Discovery Tool integration.
- Corrected order of views in selector.
- Resolution of minor incidents.
- State-based workflow designer with drag & drop graphics system.
- Service creation templates.
- Tickets from Calendar.
- Dashboard auto-refresh.
- Favourite pages for the most used functionalities.
- Improved search by CI, ID, title or reference.
- Limit by user role the access to the quick action menu.
- Temporary blocking of users after a number of unsuccessful access attempts.
- Network Discovery Tool for automatic discovery and inventory of Windows computers with printers, monitors, keyboards, mice, etc. connected and software installed).
- Redesign of the administration system: shortcuts and favorite pages, search facilities and an improved HTML editor.
- Resolution of minor incidents